Healthesy provides software and knowledge to help you stay healthy.
Our opensource Mobile app, available from Github at the moment, is easy to use, and intended to help individuals keep an eye on their health.
It is created using Flutter (based on the Dart programming language), and is freely available for anyone who would like to install it on their Android or iPhone devices. We are working on a version for the web. We will provide it via the App Store and Google Play Store later on.
Look after your health like if it is an extremely valuable asset, because it is.

“Preventative healthcare is much more cost effective.“
Prevention is the smart way to approach your Health.
Quite often we think about our health only when something is wrong. That might be joint pain, a cough that does not seem to go away, digestive issues, chest pain, or a worrying test result. In those situations we are likely reacting to a health problem already present or developing.
The above is costly, both, in monetary terms and in suffering.
A better approach is to create optimal conditions to remain healthy. A better approach is prevention.
Our aim is to help users understand why is prevention important, with summarized research output in this field, actions and habits, tools, products and services that help us achieve and maintain better quality of life.

A few cornerstone habits to achieve lasting health
Starting from the understanding that prevention is better than cure, here are a few simple habits that can help you stay healthy for longer.
Stay in touch
Healthesy is brought to you by The Entreveloper, a person, not an organization. Stay in touch for updates to this website and other Entreveloper projects.